Articles Posted in Hospital Negligence

People with critical health concerns will often seek treatment from multiple providers. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for more than one healthcare provider to offer negligent care that ultimately harms a patient. In such instances, the injured party can pursue claims against anyone involved in the treatment that ultimately led to their harm. In many instances, plaintiffs instituting such lawsuits without the assistance of an attorney will file them in federal court. Federal courts have limited jurisdiction, though, and if a pro se plaintiff does not demonstrate that a claim falls within the court’s purview, the court will likely dismiss their claims, as demonstrated in a recent ruling. If you sustained injuries due to incompetent medical care, it is in your best interest to talk to a  Baltimore medical malpractice lawyer about your options for pursuing damages.

Factual and Procedural Background

It is alleged that the plaintiff initiated a lawsuit against the defendant medical center, which was located in Maine, and the defendant hospital, which was located in Washington DC, in federal court in August 2023. Initially, the court dismissed the complaint due to the absence of a substantial federal question. However, the court reconsidered this order upon the plaintiff’s motion, allowing him to refile the complaint with more detailed information regarding jurisdiction, legal claims, and the relief sought.

It is reported that the court gave the plaintiff until October 2023 to submit the amended complaint, but the plaintiff failed to do so. Despite not filing a new complaint, the plaintiff claimed to have served the defendants. The defendants subsequently filed motions to dismiss on various grounds, including lack of jurisdiction and failure to state a claim. Continue Reading ›

People experiencing critical health concerns will often visit emergency departments with the expectation that they will receive a timely diagnosis and appropriate care. Unfortunately, that is not always the case, and delayed and missed diagnoses can lead to grave harm. As discussed in a recent Maryland medical malpractice case, a plaintiff who demonstrates a defendant’s careless delays caused them harm may be able to recover damages. If you were hurt by negligent medical care, it is wise to confer with a Baltimore medical malpractice lawyer about your rights.

History of the Case

It is reported that the plaintiff presented to the defendant hospital with symptoms of severe swelling, pain, and immobility in her left hand and arm, which progressively worsened over four days. Despite consultations and some imaging, no definitive diagnosis was made, and appropriate urgent surgical actions were not taken. On the fifth day, the plaintiff sought treatment at another medical center, where she was diagnosed and treated, but by then, significant and irreversible tissue damage had occurred.

Allegedly, the plaintiff, accompanied by her spouse, filed a lawsuit alleging medical malpractice claims against several medical professionals at the defendant hospital and the defendant hospital itself, claiming their failure to promptly diagnose and treat her necrotizing fasciitis led to permanent disability and loss of consortium. A subset of the defendants moved for summary judgment. They contended that even if their standard of care was breached, it did not cause the plaintiff’s permanent injuries. The plaintiffs opposed the motion. Continue Reading ›

In a Maryland medical malpractice case, the plaintiff bears the burden of establishing that the defendant engaged in behavior that constitutes a deviation from the standard of care and that such behavior caused the plaintiff’s harm. In defense of such claims, the defendant may seek to introduce habit evidence, which essentially demonstrates that they typically follow a certain routine when treating patients and most likely did not depart from that routine on the date in question. Recently, a Maryland court discussed the admissibility of habit evidence in a medical malpractice case in which the jury ultimately found in favor of the defendant. If you lost a loved one due to the negligence of a healthcare provider, you have the right to seek compensation, and it is advisable to meet with a Maryland medical malpractice attorney at your earliest convenience.

Factual and Procedural History

It is reported that the decedent slipped and fell on a wet floor at work, after which she was taken to the defendant’s hospital for examination. A nurse documented her injuries, and the defendant doctor examined her, diagnosing knee and hip contusions. Over the next few weeks, the decedent’s condition worsened, and she consulted other doctors, eventually being diagnosed with an acute compression fracture of the L3 vertebrae with nerve root compression. She underwent spinal fusion surgery but later suffered an anoxic brain injury, leaving her in a persistent vegetative state until her death.

Allegedly, the decedent’s guardian filed a medical malpractice claim against the defendants. Following a trial, the jury found in favor of the defendant doctor, determining that she was not negligent in her care and treatment of the decedent. The guardian filed a motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict or, alternatively, a new trial based on the trial court’s admission of “habit” testimony regarding the defendant doctor’s examination practices. The motion was denied without a hearing. The guardian appealed.

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Generally speaking, doctors owe their patients two duties: they must treat them in accordance with the standard of care and advise them of the consequences of any proposed treatment. If a doctor breaches either duty, they may be held accountable for any harm that ensues. As discussed in a recent ruling, however, they generally cannot pursue a claim for breach of fiduciary duty against a doctor that fails to uphold either duty. If you or a loved one suffered harm due to incompetent medical care, it is wise to meet with a Maryland medical malpractice lawyer to determine your rights.

Case Background

It is alleged that the plaintiffs filed a lawsuit against the defendant hospital and defendant doctor on behalf of their incapacitated daughter. In their complaint, they set forth claims of medical malpractice, breach of fiduciary duty, and failure to provide sufficient warning. They alleged that the defendants intentionally deceived their daughter by not informing her that the medical devices used in her treatment were not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The defendants requested a judgment as a matter of law regarding the count that alleged a breach of fiduciary duty.

Duties a Doctor Owes a Patient

The court ultimately granted the defendants’ motion and dismissed the plaintiffs’ breach of fiduciary duty claim. The court explained that the defendant doctor had two legally recognized duties towards the plaintiffs’ daughter as her doctor: (1) to treat her in the same manner that a reasonably prudent doctor with his specialty would have done in similar circumstances, and (2) to inform her of the consequences of a proposed treatment. Continue Reading ›

People who served in the military are eligible to receive medical care at military hospitals. Military hospitals differ from non-government institutions in numerous ways. For example, establishing liability for medical malpractice for harm caused by incompetent care in a military hospital requires different proof than in cases involving non-government hospitals. Further, even if a patient can establish that they suffered injuries at the hand of a government doctor, their claim may be denied, as demonstrated in a recent Maryland opinion. If you suffered harm due to treatment you received at a military facility, you have the right to pursue damages, and it is in your best interest to talk to a Maryland medical malpractice lawyer.

Factual and Procedural History of the Case

It is reported that the plaintiff was a member of the Maryland Air National Guard. During basic training in 2010, he suffered injuries when he fell from a pull-up bar. He experienced ongoing issues since the fall, including neck pain, numbness and tingling in his fingers, and difficulty with fine motor skills.

It is alleged that the plaintiff subsequently underwent surgery on his cervical spine at a military hospital. Following the surgery, he lost the use of his limbs. He instituted a lawsuit against the federal government pursuant to the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), asserting claims of lack of informed consent and medical malpractice. The defendant moved for dismissal of the plaintiff’s claims via summary judgment, arguing that under the Feres doctrine, it could not be liable for the plaintiff’s harm. Continue Reading ›

Typically, people who lose loved ones due to incompetent medical treatment can choose where to pursue medical malpractice claims against the parties that caused their losses. In some instances, though, the courts will transfer a case to another venue. Recently, a Maryland court discussed the factors weighed in determining whether a change of venue is appropriate in a wrongful death and medical malpractice case filed in Maryland. If you lost a loved one due to negligent medical care, you could be owed compensation, and you should speak to a Maryland medical malpractice lawyer regarding your options.

History of the Case

It is alleged that the defendants treated the decedent before his death, which was caused by an occlusive pulmonary embolism. The decedent resided in Maryland prior to his death, but the defendants treated him in Washington D.C. The plaintiff filed a wrongful death and medical malpractice lawsuit against the defendants in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland.

Reportedly, the defendants moved to transfer the case to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, arguing that the only connection to Maryland was that the decedent lived there prior to his death. The plaintiff opposed the motion, noting that after discharging the decedent from their facility, the defendants continued to provide care for the decedent in Maryland through an intermediary. Continue Reading ›

In Medical malpractice cases, the records, notes, and charts produced by the defendant doctor are often key in establishing liability. Not all materials created by doctors are discoverable, however, as some are protected from disclosure by privilege. In a recent Maryland ruling issued in a hospital malpractice case, a court discussed what materials are privileged in medical malpractice claims pursued against the United States government. If you suffered injuries due to a careless physician, it is smart to speak to a skilled Maryland medical malpractice lawyer to discuss what evidence you must produce to recover damages.

The History of the Case

It is reported that the plaintiffs filed a medical malpractice case against the United States government alleging their minor child suffered harm due to negligent care provided by anesthesiologists when he underwent surgery at a federally owned hospital. One of the anesthesiologists testified during his deposition that he wrote himself an email following the surgery, setting forth his recollections regarding the procedure. The plaintiffs requested the email in discovery, after which the anesthesiologist advised he had written it to the other anesthesiologist involved in the procedure.

People who suffer traumatic injuries in car accidents are often transported to hospitals for medical treatment. If the care they receive while hospitalized is inadequate, though, it may compound their harm and cause new trauma. While hospitals can be held accountable for the harm caused by their employees, it is more difficult to establish liability for losses brought about by physicians who are independent contractors. Recently, a Maryland appellate court discussed what a plaintiff must prove to demonstrate a hospital is responsible for harm caused by a contractor in a medical malpractice case. If you were hurt by a careless doctor, it is advisable to speak with a Maryland medical malpractice lawyer to discuss your options for seeking damages.

The History of the Case

It is reported that the plaintiff was involved in a car accident that caused critical injuries to his left arm and his legs. First responders arrived at the scene and transported the plaintiff to the defendant hospital’s trauma center, which was located within the same building as the hospital. After he was admitted, the plaintiff was treated by the defendant doctor, who was an independent contractor within his role as an on-call orthopedic surgeon for the center.

Allegedly, when the plaintiff arrived, he was disoriented and confused and was unable to sign the consent form, which stated that the treating physicians were not employees or agents of the hospital. Another party signed on his behalf, however. While he was in the trauma center, the plaintiff’s legs were amputated. He subsequently filed a malpractice claim against the defendants, alleging that if the defendant doctor complied with the standard of care, his right leg could have been saved and that the defendant hospital was vicariously liable for the defendant doctor’s negligence. The trial court ultimately issued a judgment notwithstanding the verdict in favor of the hospital, and the plaintiff appealed. Continue Reading ›

People harmed by incompetent medical care can seek damages from the health care providers that caused their injuries. They are only afforded one chance to prove liability, though. This means not only that plaintiffs cannot attempt to re-litigate a medical malpractice claim that has already been resolved but also that they are not permitted to pursue multiple medical malpractice claims arising out of the same set of facts. This was demonstrated in a recent opinion issued by a Maryland court, in which the court dismissed the plaintiff’s medical malpractice case due to claims splitting. If you suffered injuries due to neglectful care from a medical professional, it is smart to speak to a Maryland medical malpractice lawyer to discuss your potential claims.

The Plaintiff’s Claims

It is reported that the plaintiff underwent treatment with the defendant for a wound on his leg that would not heal. He was prescribed multiple tests and medications, but the wound did not improve. He continued to treatment and had ongoing symptoms of pain and swelling. He eventually filed a lawsuit against the defendant, setting forth numerous claims, including medical negligence. The defendant moved to dismiss the plaintiff’s claims on several grounds, including the fact that the plaintiff had a similar lawsuit pending in another court that arose out of the same alleged harm.

Splitting Medical Malpractice Claims

In its review of the plaintiff’s claims and the defendant’s motion, the court noted that when the plaintiff filed the subject case, he already had a lawsuit in another court in which he alleged harm caused by improper medical care in the context of treatment of his leg wound. The court explained that plaintiffs are typically not permitted to pursue the same claims in more than one simultaneous lawsuit. It elaborated that the rule against claim splitting bars plaintiffs from prosecuting their claims piecemeal. Instead, they are obligated to present all claims arising out of a single act in one lawsuit. Continue Reading ›

People harmed by the incompetence of medical professionals have the right to seek damages via malpractice lawsuits. The right is not boundless, however, as a person can generally only pursue claims against another party one time, regardless of the merits of the underlying allegations. This rule was explained in a recent Maryland opinion in which the court dismissed a plaintiff’s medical malpractice lawsuit, as it was the fourth case he filed against the defendant. If you were harmed by medical negligence, you might be able to recover compensation from your treatment providers, and it is advisable to confer with a knowledgeable Maryland medical malpractice lawyer as soon as possible.

The Plaintiff’s Care

It is reported that the plaintiff visited the defendant facility in June 2016 with complaints of pain and numbness in his left leg. He was examined, and as no abnormalities were found, he was discharged with a diagnosis of a muscle sprain. He returned two weeks later with similar complaints and was again evaluated and released. He went back to the defendant facility again nine days later. At that time, his complaints included cold feet. The treating physician did not check his pulse or temperature in his legs but determined the plaintiff’s symptoms were caused by the medication he was taking.

Allegedly, in early July, one month after his initial visit, the plaintiff experienced severe pain in his left leg. Testing revealed he was suffering from blood clots in his leg, and he was transferred to another hospital where his leg was amputated. The plaintiff then filed four different lawsuits against the defendant, alleging medical malpractice claims. The first two cases were dismissed, and the defendant filed an answer in the third case, which was filed in a Maryland state court and moved to dismiss the fourth, which was filed in a federal district court. Continue Reading ›

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